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It quite often happens to everyone. Sort of syndrome, I would say. I am talking about getting married, right after the eyes blink. Yet I believe, having second thoughts about getting married is normal, but if the doubts continue, listen to that inner voice. It's better to hear what the innermost depth is saying in the silent. The voice is so much heardable for those will to. It is better to postpone or cancel a wedding than get married to the wrong person or for the wrong reasons. I think that is the worst choice of nothing.

It is important that you listen to your gut if you are having doubts about getting married. Your gut may be telling you something. A 2001 test based on an analysis of hormone levels could give a good indication of which couples are doomed to have failed marriages.  For sure, finding Miss or Mr. Right is not always an easy thing to do. Once you think you've found the right person, you may have doubts. Having doubts about who you are marrying is not only normal, having doubts is healthy. Sometimes love just isn't enough to ensure the success of a marriage. I have never experienced this. The thing is that you can lower your odds for divorce by being selective in who you marry. Get rid of this!

Sometimes people measure the success of career as the step for marriage plan. This would be possible of having thought that marriage gets its possibility to decrease ambition of personal success.What about you?

Have you ever heard about No-compromise leadership? This makes me curious what this exactly means. There are many kind of leaderships, is this one of those?? But at least I did an effort to find this terminology, and Neil Ducoff, a trainer nd author of No-compromise Leader defines this leadership is all about the thinking,
behavior and accountability that support all leadership results. No-Compromise Leadership (NCL) training is a two-phase process. First, there is the NCL training on the methodology and disciplines to become a true no-compromise leader. This training focuses entirely on you and your leadership thinking and behaviors. Second, there is the training on the methodologies and disciplines of creating a dynamic no-compromise company culture — a culture committed to driving the Four Business Outcomes. Interseting yah? Would anyone else enrich this definition?

Step Ahead!!

Nothing to say than "many of thanks" of what I have had..
Some people say that any case and matters will be gone by the time.
I don't think so. For me, they're just being forgotten for awhile.
Life must go on by no matter how, who and what.
This is to convince myself that every part of life will take its way.
Such mine, I have been stepping over one by one part of my life..
successfully and enjoyably are just the processes, not the results.
Find the way to how I do it my way.
It becomes mine..
I keep this as a worthed treasure of psychological happiness.
Now I'm going to step a head and challenge what will face me there.
Step Yours..